Monday, September 30, 2019
The Role Played by Socialisation in Shaping Human Behaviour Has Been Overstated.’ Assess This Claim
Common sources of conflict – Conflict is an inevitable part of human relationships. Where commitment to mission and long hours with minimal resources intersect, nonprofit workplaces can be rife with conflict interchanges. Conflict can arise from managing differing perspectives and seemingly incompatible concerns. If we can accept it as a natural part of our emotional landscape, it can be easier to work with than if we expect (or wish! ) conflict to disappear and never resurface.As a manager, it is important to be able to identify and to understand the varying levels of conflicts and how these levels are manifested in different ways. An early sign of conflict is that â€Å"nagging feeling†or tension you feel, indicating that something is brewing under the surface. Pay attention to non-verbal behaviours such as crossed-arms, eyes lowered or someone sitting back or away from you or the group. These signs can provide you with important information about your current situat ion and can help you in assessing your next steps.If these signs are not dealt with in a timely manner, this sense of apprehension can shift to another level of conflict and can be manifested more directly with opposition and conviction. This aspect of conflict is addressed in more depth in the sections below. More often than not, these early warning signs are a part of a larger web of dynamics present in your organization. As part of our analysis, it is helpful to understand the source of potential conflict. Below are some common sources of conflict: Conflict type | Description |Values conflict| Involves incompatibility of preferences, principles and practices that people believe in such as religion, ethics or politics. | Power conflict | Occurs when each party wishes to maintain or maximize the amount of influence that it exerts in the relationship and the social setting such as in a decision making process. | Economic conflict | Involves competing to attain scarce resources such as monetary or human resources. | Interpersonal conflict | Occurs when two people or more have incompatible needs, goals, or approaches in their relationship such as different communication or work styles. Organizational conflict | Involves inequalities in the organizational chart and how employees report to one another. | Environmental conflict | Involves external pressures outside of the organization such as a recession, a changing government, or a high employment rate. | Once you know more about where the conflict stems from, you will be better equipped to address it. A variety of factors influence when and how conflict will surface. To get the bigger picture, consider all the sources above before taking action.Now, we will look at the various ways in which we can respond and manage conflict. Understanding conflict styles – A first step in dealing with conflict is to discover your preferred conflict style(s) and subsequently, learn how to manage a variety of situations usi ng different approaches. These styles have two basic dimensions: Assertiveness, which relates to behaviours intended to satisfy one's own concerns. This dimension is also correlated to attaining one's goals, Cooperativeness, which relates to behaviours intended to satisfy the other individual's concerns.This dimension can also be tracked as being concerned with relationships. A combination of these dimensions results in five conflict behaviours: 1. Competing 2. Accommodating 3. Avoiding 4. Collaborating 5. Compromising Each style is appropriate in particular contexts and learning how to be strategic when approaching conflict is ideal. Accommodating – The accommodating style is unassertive and cooperative. The goal of this stance is to yield. Typically a person using this conflict mode neglects his or her needs to satisfy the concerns of the other person.There is an element of self-sacrifice and this stance is concerned with preserving the relationship versus attaining goals. The mode is also known as an appeasement or smoothing style and is the opposite of competing. Competing – The Competing style is a power-oriented mode that is high in assertiveness and low in cooperativeness. The goal of this stance is to win. In this mode the individual aims to pursue one's agenda at another's expense. This may mean standing up for one's needs, defending a cherished position and/or simply trying to win. The goal is deemed very important.This style is also referred to as a forcing or dominant style. Avoiding – The avoiding style is both unassertive and uncooperative. The goal of this stance is to delay. In this mode an individual does not immediately pursue his or her concerns or those of another. There is indifference to the outcome to the issue and the relationship and the person withdraws or postpones dealing with the conflict. This style can provide a needed respite from the situation or it can inflame things if the issue keeps being pushed aside. This mode is also known as flight. CollaborateThe collaborating style is both assertive and cooperative. The goal of this stance is to find a win-win situation. Typically this mode is concerned with finding creative solutions to issues that satisfy both individual's concerns. Learning, listening and attending to both the organizational and personal issues are addressed with this conflict style. It takes time and effort. This mode is also known as a problem solving or integrative style and it is the opposite of avoiding. Compromise The compromising style lands one right in the middle of being assertive and cooperative.The goal of this stance is to find a quick middle ground. Parties find an expedient, mutually acceptable solution by having each person give up something and split the difference. This mode is also known as sharing. Dealing with difficult people When working in a group, there may be times when you will have to work with a difficult person. Often times, this person is no t aware of his or her impact on the group or the implications of his or her actions on others. Depending on the perspective, everyone has been viewed at one time or another, as a difficult person.Everybody has the capacity to be both productive and problematic in the workplace. It is all in how you view the situation. With a simple change in perspective, your experience with a difficult person can change from a situation that is happening to you to a possibly enriching learning experience. If you are experiencing a strong reaction to another person, there are two elements you need to consider: you and the other person. First, start with yourself. It is essential to understand why you are reacting to that person and the possible strategies you can use to address the situation.For example, a preferred conflict style can be exacerbated by a particular method of communication. If you have a tendency to avoid conflicts, are emails the only way you solve issues at the office? Or do you fi nd yourself saying things on email that you would never say in person. Many of us can hide behind our computers or take on a bolder, more aggressive persona. In essence, change your behaviour to work effectively with someone. There are many ways in which to communicate with your colleagues – face to face meetings, phone calls, e-mails, video conferencing etc. he possibilities are limitless. When working with a difficult person, begin to locate the problem inside yourself. Dr. Ronald Short, in his book, Learning in Relationship, states: â€Å"The impact someone has on us (feeling and thoughts we have inside) is our responsibility. To understand impact, we need to look at ourselves – not judge others†(1998). Remember, as a rule (and this is easier said than done), try not to take things personally. Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a direct reflection of what is happening inside of this person. The Role Played by Socialisation in Shaping Human Behaviour Has Been Overstated.’ Assess This Claim Common sources of conflict – Conflict is an inevitable part of human relationships. Where commitment to mission and long hours with minimal resources intersect, nonprofit workplaces can be rife with conflict interchanges. Conflict can arise from managing differing perspectives and seemingly incompatible concerns. If we can accept it as a natural part of our emotional landscape, it can be easier to work with than if we expect (or wish! ) conflict to disappear and never resurface.As a manager, it is important to be able to identify and to understand the varying levels of conflicts and how these levels are manifested in different ways. An early sign of conflict is that â€Å"nagging feeling†or tension you feel, indicating that something is brewing under the surface. Pay attention to non-verbal behaviours such as crossed-arms, eyes lowered or someone sitting back or away from you or the group. These signs can provide you with important information about your current situat ion and can help you in assessing your next steps.If these signs are not dealt with in a timely manner, this sense of apprehension can shift to another level of conflict and can be manifested more directly with opposition and conviction. This aspect of conflict is addressed in more depth in the sections below. More often than not, these early warning signs are a part of a larger web of dynamics present in your organization. As part of our analysis, it is helpful to understand the source of potential conflict. Below are some common sources of conflict: Conflict type | Description |Values conflict| Involves incompatibility of preferences, principles and practices that people believe in such as religion, ethics or politics. | Power conflict | Occurs when each party wishes to maintain or maximize the amount of influence that it exerts in the relationship and the social setting such as in a decision making process. | Economic conflict | Involves competing to attain scarce resources such as monetary or human resources. | Interpersonal conflict | Occurs when two people or more have incompatible needs, goals, or approaches in their relationship such as different communication or work styles. Organizational conflict | Involves inequalities in the organizational chart and how employees report to one another. | Environmental conflict | Involves external pressures outside of the organization such as a recession, a changing government, or a high employment rate. | Once you know more about where the conflict stems from, you will be better equipped to address it. A variety of factors influence when and how conflict will surface. To get the bigger picture, consider all the sources above before taking action.Now, we will look at the various ways in which we can respond and manage conflict. Understanding conflict styles – A first step in dealing with conflict is to discover your preferred conflict style(s) and subsequently, learn how to manage a variety of situations usi ng different approaches. These styles have two basic dimensions: Assertiveness, which relates to behaviours intended to satisfy one's own concerns. This dimension is also correlated to attaining one's goals, Cooperativeness, which relates to behaviours intended to satisfy the other individual's concerns.This dimension can also be tracked as being concerned with relationships. A combination of these dimensions results in five conflict behaviours: 1. Competing 2. Accommodating 3. Avoiding 4. Collaborating 5. Compromising Each style is appropriate in particular contexts and learning how to be strategic when approaching conflict is ideal. Accommodating – The accommodating style is unassertive and cooperative. The goal of this stance is to yield. Typically a person using this conflict mode neglects his or her needs to satisfy the concerns of the other person.There is an element of self-sacrifice and this stance is concerned with preserving the relationship versus attaining goals. The mode is also known as an appeasement or smoothing style and is the opposite of competing. Competing – The Competing style is a power-oriented mode that is high in assertiveness and low in cooperativeness. The goal of this stance is to win. In this mode the individual aims to pursue one's agenda at another's expense. This may mean standing up for one's needs, defending a cherished position and/or simply trying to win. The goal is deemed very important.This style is also referred to as a forcing or dominant style. Avoiding – The avoiding style is both unassertive and uncooperative. The goal of this stance is to delay. In this mode an individual does not immediately pursue his or her concerns or those of another. There is indifference to the outcome to the issue and the relationship and the person withdraws or postpones dealing with the conflict. This style can provide a needed respite from the situation or it can inflame things if the issue keeps being pushed aside. This mode is also known as flight. CollaborateThe collaborating style is both assertive and cooperative. The goal of this stance is to find a win-win situation. Typically this mode is concerned with finding creative solutions to issues that satisfy both individual's concerns. Learning, listening and attending to both the organizational and personal issues are addressed with this conflict style. It takes time and effort. This mode is also known as a problem solving or integrative style and it is the opposite of avoiding. Compromise The compromising style lands one right in the middle of being assertive and cooperative.The goal of this stance is to find a quick middle ground. Parties find an expedient, mutually acceptable solution by having each person give up something and split the difference. This mode is also known as sharing. Dealing with difficult people When working in a group, there may be times when you will have to work with a difficult person. Often times, this person is no t aware of his or her impact on the group or the implications of his or her actions on others. Depending on the perspective, everyone has been viewed at one time or another, as a difficult person.Everybody has the capacity to be both productive and problematic in the workplace. It is all in how you view the situation. With a simple change in perspective, your experience with a difficult person can change from a situation that is happening to you to a possibly enriching learning experience. If you are experiencing a strong reaction to another person, there are two elements you need to consider: you and the other person. First, start with yourself. It is essential to understand why you are reacting to that person and the possible strategies you can use to address the situation.For example, a preferred conflict style can be exacerbated by a particular method of communication. If you have a tendency to avoid conflicts, are emails the only way you solve issues at the office? Or do you fi nd yourself saying things on email that you would never say in person. Many of us can hide behind our computers or take on a bolder, more aggressive persona. In essence, change your behaviour to work effectively with someone. There are many ways in which to communicate with your colleagues – face to face meetings, phone calls, e-mails, video conferencing etc. he possibilities are limitless. When working with a difficult person, begin to locate the problem inside yourself. Dr. Ronald Short, in his book, Learning in Relationship, states: â€Å"The impact someone has on us (feeling and thoughts we have inside) is our responsibility. To understand impact, we need to look at ourselves – not judge others†(1998). Remember, as a rule (and this is easier said than done), try not to take things personally. Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a direct reflection of what is happening inside of this person.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Intergrating Special needs students Essay
Integrating students with disabilities into the every day classroom is highly important. It gives students with and without disabilities the opportunity to be apart of an inclusive and accepting community. Students who have severe disabilities are those students who have a physical, emotional, mental problems which require extra educational, psychological or medical assistance beyond traditionally offered education. In past years, special needs students have been over looked or their needs neglected, so they have had to move to schools that cater specifically to their needs. Many parents and school administrators thought that these kids needed to be cared for in a special location, outside neighborhood schooling. Studies have shown and from personal experience, students with disabilities who are integrated into regular classrooms, benefit from the structured and well organized activities that all students can participate in. This is not only good for the students with disabilities, b ut those who do not have disabilities, learn about real world differences. They are exposed to proper interaction with someone with a severe disability. This also gives non disabled students the opportunity to not fear students with disabilities and like wise. There are times throughout the school day that may not be suitable for SSN students to be interacting with other students. There are times that are great for integration (with assistance from an aid) , such as gym, music, art, passing periods, library, etc. This gives students the ability to not only interact with non disabled students but also learn what the day to day expectations are. Students with disabilities are often not given goals to accomplish or expectations. Students with disabilities should have a goal and expectations just as any other student, they just may need assistance along the way. If the student has a mild disability they should have the same expectations as non disabled kids, again they just need assistance reaching those goals. This requires teachers who are willing to help SSN or mild needs students, if they are not accompanied by an aid. A huge thing teachers and aids need to be on the look out for is bullying amongst the students. If a student with no disabilities was to pick on a disabled student that could be harmful on many levels. First off, it’s hurtful for anyone to be picked on. Second, if the disabled student feels negative vibes and is feeling bullied, the integration will no longer work. Students with disabilities usually pick up on negativity, and do not want to participate when they feel threatened. So it is imperative that teacher and aids be enforcing positive interactions amongst the students. Teachers need to help the aids in assisting the student. Many times teachers do not want the burden of a disabled student. It is extremely important that teachers are a helping hand in creating this environment. This means the classroom needs to be safe, positive and welcoming, for all kids. A good way to insure this is the â€Å"open door policy.†That means that teachers invite any onlookers to come in and observe the integrated activities. It also means that they welcome onlookers to observe an instruction in progress and to interact with the disabled students. A lesson plan that should be put into place in every classroom, at a lower grade, should be information on disabilities. Students who are taught and have explained the integration process are more likely to be positively responsive. There are many ways that integrating student with severe disabilities or special needs can benefit all students. Students can learn proper interaction with one another. Students with disabilities can learn what their day to day process is, and what is expected of them. This can only work if teachers are responsive to needs to SSN or mild needs students, not only the student will benefit, this also helps the teacher grow. All schools should switch to an integrated curriculum, to insure equality amongst all students, disability or not.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Discussion Board 6 - Chapter 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Discussion Board 6 - Chapter 5 - Essay Example A clear example of such a word is Bun. The word was originally coined to describe a round type of bread that is used in the making of various sandwiches. But over the years, it has also been used to describe the way a woman wears her hair in a bunched up ponytail near the top of her head. The same word, describes two different things that merely share the same shape and size. A hair bun and a bread bun. Both meaning a round and plump object with one being edible and the other not. Regional examples of the verbal differences in the meaning of words include cinema and theater. Although the words connote going to see a movie in most instances, in some regions, the theater means a the venue for a live show that is different from a movie house. We can also consider the same difference when it comes to the words Film and Movies. Although they both describe the same thing, movies is the word often used to describe any ordinary video that one is watching. While the term film is used to connote a high brow movie that requires a more serious discussion and
Friday, September 27, 2019
Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 4
Communication - Essay Example Here, the authors provide detailed information about how effectively communication can be used in strengthening a healthier interpersonal communication. I would like to concur with the argument that effective interpersonal communication is a very important skill which everyone should possess. As they explain, it can be of a great benefit in determining how conducive an environment is. In conclusion, Steven and Susan are very accurate in the manner they discuss about communication. The whole chapter is equipped with viable information which can be of great importance when understanding exactly what communication is. As the authors emphasize, it is crucial for everyone to have listening skills. In fact, this is the most fundamental skill which everyone should have. Once they can learn to listen to one another, it will be much possible for them to understand one another and be able to speak in one voice as they strive to accomplish a common
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Can Stress Cause Suicidal Symptoms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Can Stress Cause Suicidal Symptoms - Essay Example The authenticity of this statement will be established in the proceeding arguments below. This is with the aim of drawing the attention of different psychologists to identify ways of addressing this subject with the main intention of reducing cases of suicides or suicidal thoughts. According to Carlson and Heth, stress can be defined as an unfavorable condition that can have an influence on an individual’s mind and physical welfare (527). Nevertheless, it has been a difficult experience to state precisely what defines stress that is, whether stress is a process, a cause or an effect that connects physical well being and mental status. Humans are complicated creatures to understand at times and therefore in terms of defining stress among humans, it might include both visible factors and invisible factors. Stress build-up has been known to give humans suicidal thoughts. This is not a new concept in the modern world, but it began a long time ago during the lifetime of Jesus for those who read the bible. When Judah, a disciple of Jesus; committed suicide after betraying his master. What drove him to develop such thoughts? In answering this question, there are various factors that can trigger someone to have suicidal thoughts at any given moment. Theories have emerged in connection with suicide thoughts and occurrences among the humans. The most striking theory is the newer theory concerning suicide by a famous American psychologist Thomas Joiner. In his theory, he has outlined three major factors that can trigger a person to resort to suicide. These include; a mindset of a person that he/she is alone in the surrounding and there is hardly anyone who has a concern or cares about them. In fact, this is normally a mistaken perception. Another factor concerns a person’s feeling that he/she is ‘a parasite’ to other people. These types of individuals have no other thoughts, apart from suicidal thoughts.Â
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Idustrialize America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Idustrialize America - Essay Example But even if it was thought that the death of Lincoln would be the death knell to the cause of emancipation, the following Presidency of Andrew Johnson tried to maintain the status quo with policies that protected African Americans. Unfortunately his efforts did not prevail, the power was once again given to the Army and there was even a period that followed in which the Democrats regained the impetus, re-enacting laws that revived the era of slavery for these newly freed men and women. Lynching and race riots were rampant in some States, and the Redeemer Government and Klu Klux Klan were determined to re-establish white supremacy. It seemed that all the efforts of the Reconstruction had been for nothing. 1. PRESIDENTIAL RECONSTRUCTION Notwithstanding that they had just been through a harsh and debilitating war, President’s Abraham Lincoln wanted to be magnanimous towards the South. In December 1863, he placed the idea that a State could be integrated into the Union if 10 perce nt of the population count under 1860’s census supported emancipation. Tennessee, Louisiana and Arkansas were won over by the Union through Lincoln’s Ten Percent Plan. However this compromise did not sit well with the diehard Republicans, nor some in Lincoln’s own party who feared that it would once again undermine the cause of emancipation by bringing economic slavery to blacks on white owned cotton ginning farms. The mood of the South was rebellious and unrepentant. They sought to regain control of the situation, and could not bear to see blacks getting education, voting rights and freedom. On his part, President Andrew Jackson who took up the reins of Government following Lincoln’s death tried his best to follow the former’s lenient policies for the collective benefit of all. He appointed new Governors in 1865. Unfortunately his efforts did not meet with success and were spurned by the diehard Republicans. They challenged and undermined his effo rts, rejected his nominations from the South and eventually managed to oust his Government in 1865-66 after success in the 1866 Congressional elections. They managed to regain control of Congress in 1877. The Fourteenth Amendment to the US constitution made on 09 July 1868 was an attempt to ensure that blacks would have the same rights as whites. This included the right to vote, travel and bear arms. The Elections of 1866 were a turning point in the cause for Reconstruction. The Union party was supported by the War Republicans having abolitionist tendencies. The Radical Republicans however favored a more stringent policy with the South, preferring military control over their lands and forcing them to give civil and voting rights to blacks. These hardliners prevailed and after usurping Johnson, moved to give control over many States to the Army. 2. CONGRESSIONAL RECONSTRUCTION The efforts towards emancipation of the slaves brought them across to many abolitionist states. Black migrat ed from North to South and East to West in search of jobs, housing and a source of livelihood. Most of them had lived under miserable conditions in the slave owned plantations of the South. However it was a time of considerable flux and fluidity, with blacks having to protect themselves from those who still wanted to take advantage of them. They had to learn to protect their own right to freedom. Concerted efforts were made by former slave owners to try to enslave the freed men through economic necessity. The war had destroyed eleven cities quite comprehensively-
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Consider how a PR professional might use government data to support a Essay
Consider how a PR professional might use government data to support a PR strategy - Essay Example Every PR strategy must have publics. These are the various groups of people associated with the company that the message is targeted at. The publics are both internal and external. Internal publics include the employees, the management, the shareholders and the food suppliers. The external publics include the customers, regulatory bodies and industry organizations. In this strategy, the external publics are the main target. This is because the strategy aims at ensuring customers ingest healthy amounts of sodium, showing government and regulatory bodies that the company aims to serve customers healthy foods and assuring industry organizations that the company does not practice underhand dealings that could portray the industry in bad light. Internal publics will be educated in accordance with the new requirements. The suppliers will be advised to alter their products in accordance with the new guidelines. They will also be made aware of the reasons why they are altering their products. The staff that prepares the food and interacts with customers will be educated on the sodium levels and health matters and trained on how to give advice to customers and guide them in making healthy choices. The second element is the logic or message. The message conveys the company’s stand on the issue. The message will be based on research, mainly of the FDA report on the amount of sodium in food and other related documents from the same body and related institutions. It will involve health benefits of consuming the medically recommended amounts of sodium. It will also list the risks associates with the intake of high amounts of sodium. In addition, it will aim to educate customers on how to figure out the right amount of sodium levels to consume. Using the percent daily value, consumers can know the amount of sodium each food contributes to their daily intake; 5%DV (120 mg) or less of sodium per serving is low
Monday, September 23, 2019
Augusta Nationals Two Female Members Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Augusta Nationals Two Female Members - Essay Example The Augusta National Golf Club has shown gender discrimination throughout its history by allowing none of its almost 300 members to be a woman until recently, when the Cub took an action long overdue on it by announcing Condoleezza Rice, the former US Secretary of State, and Darla Moore, the South Carolina financier to be its members. The Club was also publicly pressured by Martha Burk, the women’s rights activist in the year 2001 to allow membership to women, but Hootie Johnson, the chairman of the Club at that time said in response that the Club might alter its policy one day â€Å"but not at the point of a bayonet†(Johnson cited in Tyler). When Bubba Watson joined the Augusta National Golf Club’s tradition of wearing the green jacket upon winning the Masters Golf Tournament, the celebrations were tarnished by the exclusive discrimination displayed by the Club towards the women. One of the lawyers said that the implications of this discrimination could be broader and extend to all working women. The Augusta National Golf Club has been disreputable for a long time in history because of its disallowance for women to become its members. â€Å"The fathers and sons of Augusta know full well that they have built for themselves not just a golf course but one of the great corridors of power in America, and with chests fully puffed, have fiercely and proudly denied women access to those corridors†(Brennan).... In addition to that, all of the past IBM CEOs had served as the Club’s members. The only factor that differed this time was that the CEO was a woman unlike the past CEO members who were all men. Payne retreated the discussion and Rometty did not wear the green jacket to symbolize the club’s membership over the weekend. David Scher, the Employment Law Group’s attorney expected the effects of the exclusive policy of the Augusta National Golf Club to reach all working women. He said, â€Å"This is not the only place that this is happening. Free association allows all kinds of clubs, but there are lots of men's organizations that keep women out of the workforce and it is really time for that to change†(Scher cited in Mielach). 21st century is the time for the discrimination to recede, be that against races or genders. Discriminatory policies do not help any organization holding it, but just serves to complicate things for certain members of the society. †Å"Playing golf and other pastimes is integral to the business world, and outright discrimination against women in the private golf world, although technically legal, can have a severe and lasting illegal impact in the workplace†(Scher cited in Mielach). Grant of the Augusta National Golf Club’s membership to two women in this year is a very big milestone in the way of realization of the equality of genders and will have far-reaching effects for all women in the society and bring a positive revolutionary change in the acceptability of women in the business world in general and the sports in particular. Something like selection of women members for the first time since the establishment of a prestigious club will have an effect on the policies of similar
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Lord Of The Flies by William Golding Essay Example for Free
Lord Of The Flies by William Golding Essay Q: Why did things on the island fall apart? When the boys landed on the island after their plane crash, they thought it was great and thought it was going to be fun to be without adults. However as the book went on the situation of the island slowly fell apart. There were very early signs in the book that things could fall apart for example Piggy was made fun of for being overweight and he also wore glasses and had asthma, these weaknesses where in my opinion a sign that things could go bad on the island. Further on in the book, when Ralph and Piggy met Jack and the choir, they had a clash of personalities, they didnt separate straight away but you could sense that they could and the clash of personalities was a big factor in things falling apart on the island. You could sense there was a clash in personalities because Jack Merridew was very arrogant and intimidating. this intimidated Piggy, which was straight away a negative thing on the island. As the book progressed Jack got more aggressive and became more obsessive about hunting, this was the major factor in the deterioration of things on the island. Ralph and the others were thinking far more logically by building shelters and building a fire to attract potential rescuers. Jack hunting aggravated Ralph because Ralph believed this was not helpful and wasnt going to get them off the island. Ralph was more concerned about getting off the island whereas Jack was more concerned about harming pigs and hunting. Basically I thought Ralph was using his common sense and saw rescue as most important. This would later become the main reason for why things on the island went so bad. At the start of the book Ralph gets voted Chief of the Island, and part of the rules were that everyone must listen to the person holding the conch. The conch was a symbol of peace, the exact opposite of what Jack represents, which is evil. Jack always wanted to be centre of attention and always wanted to put his point across. The conch prevented him from doing so, if someone said something he didnt agree with regardless whether he had the conch, this bothered Ralph and especially Piggy. The conch meant a lot to Piggy and he abided strictly by the rules of the conch. Jack however didnt want to and would continually break the rules and shout out when people where trying to speak. This lack of respect for the conch would really get to Piggy and Ralph because Jack would continually rebel against the ideas put forward. But no one would say anything because they feared Jack so much. As the book got on Jack became more obsessive about hunting, and even made up his own song Cut the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood This was evidence that Jack was becoming more twisted as an individual, and his passion for hunting started the rows and fights on the island. This aggravated Piggy a great deal, and Piggy confronted Jack by saying You and your blood, Jack Merridew! You and your hunting! We might have gone home Jack eventually retaliated by hitting Piggy. Jack would continually pick on Piggy because he was an easy target. Jack never really liked Ralph on the other hand but they had this mutual respect for each other, which was continually being tested. Jack was building up a kind of respect and following, people feared him, and he gained respect from them, he could do whatever he wanted because no one had the guts to confront him. For example he continued to talk without the conch, which was a rule that seemed not to apply to Jack, this was a sign that things were falling apart because they were forgetting about the rules. The longer they stayed on the island the boys started losing their minds and were becoming less logical. For example Ralph was forgetting his words, and was getting confused with him self. Which wasnt the Ralph we read about in the start of the book, at the start of the book Ralph was confident and was logical e.g. starting the fire etc. However Piggy on the other hand continually thought logically and like an adult, and was becoming aware of the goings on around him. Ralph: Why do you hate me? Ralph realised that Jack hated him and confronted him trying to find out why he hated him; this showed Ralphs courage and strong personality. This is very important because they are two very well respected characters and if one decided to leave then he would take people from the other. Later on in the book Jack tried seizing power in page 139 Hands up, said Jack strongly, whoever wants Ralph not to be chief? There was a silent reaction and no one put their hands up, this humiliated Jack and he left the group. His last few words were interesting, he said Im not going to play any longer. Not with you. This was interesting because he said hes not going to play with them anymore, Golding is reminding us that they are still only kids. Jack separating from the island was the main reason in my opinion why everything fell apart on the island. Jacks hunters where very close to him, and they later left Ralph without telling him, this made a big division in the island and this started the problems, which led to violence and insanity. The separation was like two countries going into battle, which was ironic since the world war was going on at the time of which the book was written. It was like a civil discontent which eventually led to break down of respect for authority and fighting between the two rival powers. There was a great rivalry between the groups and Jacks group invaded Ralphs camp and attacked them, as a warning shot to what could later happen, they also took Piggys glasses as a kind of bait so Ralph and the others would go searching for Jack. This lead to the killing of Piggy, and the death of Piggy left Ralph to fend for his self because Samneric had been taken hostages. The death of Simon and Piggy resulted in Ralph fighting for his life, on his own. Jack and the others decided to set the island on fire and chase after Ralph, this proved they were just savages because they didnt think about the consequences of setting the island alight, this would matter in the end because Ralph escaped the fire along with the littluns and Jack and the others got trapped in the fire. Although the end seemed to cut off short and it took a while to get into the actual story I thought Lord Of The Flies was a great book and well written. I liked the way Golding wove secret messages throughout the book. I can say I thoroughly enjoyed the book.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
English Films Essay Example for Free
English Films Essay It was an unpromising period for the British film industry, the World War II (WWI). With its outburst on the third of September 1939, â€Å"all cinemas in Britain, along with other such venues as theatres and sports arenas, were closed†5. However, when the cinemas reopened and the films started to reproduce, some of the notable works were that of McAllister and Jennings. McAllister was viewed to have â€Å"symbolic†approach while Jennings was â€Å"articulating a robust Socialist patriotism, a full-blooded love of England and the English centred on an unashamed admiration for the qualities of the common man, 6 a very suitable theme during those periods. During the phase approaching 1960s however, English films portraying the â€Å"English working life†7 in a realistic approach started some production and popularity. Currently, what suits the public and what satisfies them are films related to society, politics and culture: the three common aspects of humanity where anyone can almost relate with. One satirical and famous English celebrity for this is Mike Leigh. What does the aforementioned themes in the film production suggest? This means that a film must coincide with events and societal demands as well as the requirements of regulatory bodies behind it. At present in Great Britain, English films must be approved by the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) which is an independent, non-governmental body responsible for classification of cinema films beginning 1912 and the regulation of videos since the Video Recordings Act passage in 1984 8. Some of the rules administered by the Board is to ensure that violence, crime, foul nature, criminal behaviour, illegal drugs, horror and sex, as well as videos teaching criminal techniques in the films are closely examined and must not be shown to inappropriate audiences, especially to the children as mandated by various legislations the likes of Obscene Publications Act or the Protection of Children Act 9. In the past three years, 2005 until last year, the Board has made seven, ten and five cuts, respectively, on all the movies that passed through the inspection. 10 Aside from the previously mentioned set of rules and regulations for the films, another thing that must be well thought-out before producing films are the subjects that the national government is promoting and supporting, or, in another case, what that government is banning. This is obvious as what the government wants (or does not want) to be shown in public, thus they subsidize and/or reduce taxes for some films while others are not shown at all. In fact, government tactics in film propaganda was already rampant since the WWII to support what they want to convey such as the production in 1941 of â€Å"The Big Blockade, a feature-length propaganda film dramatizing the activities of the Ministry of Economic Warfare (MEW),†11 a peculiar film, mixing stylized reconstructions of life in Europe, newsreel, and a barrage of information on the vital importance of MEW, At present the British government has the UK Film Council to support the production of films the government encourages. There are eight kinds of funds available for the program such as development fund, new cinema, festival, international festival sales and support, premiere, prints and advertising, short film completion and film publication fund. 12 In a way to promote the national lottery together with the films it funds, the UK Film council was created and it is funded from national lottery funds. It is currently the richest funding film body with approximately 38 million sterling pounds in budget. 13
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